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Questions related to Qualtec finance or stock

Please submit your questions related to Qualtec finance or stock from this page only.
We do not accept inquiry from phone. Thank you for your kind understanding.
Please click here for your questions related to our business.

[Our requests related to Investor Relations]

Our requests related to
Investor Relations

Depending on the content of your inquiry, it may take some time for us to reply.
Please note that we will not be able to answer any of the questions listed below.

  • Inquiries regarding non-public information such as performance trends.
  • Inquiries regarding shareholder returns, stock price measures, etc. that may fall under "material facts" under Article 166 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act.
  • Inquiries regarding stock price trends.
  • Inquiries that include slander.
  • Inquiries regarding proposals, sales, and services regarding advertising and promotions.

In addition, please refrain from reprinting or making secondary use of part or all of the content of our responses.
If reprinting or secondary use is discovered, we may take action such as requesting deletion.

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*Please refer to our corporate policy regarding the handling of personal information.