Corporate policy
Our Guidelines
Privacy Policy
Qualtec Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "We") recognizes that personal information is an important information asset of users, and complies with laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information. We will respect your rights and appropriately protect and handle your personal information.
Purpose of use of personal information
We will collect and use personal information only for the following purposes and handle it appropriately.
・Sending out email newsletters
・Confirmation of inquiries
・Responding to inquiries and consultations
・Conducting marketing activities such as questionnaires and online surveys
・Information on various events such as seminars, and introduction of new services and products
・Sending requested materials and various gifts
・Creating and disclosing user statistical data and materials in a format that does not identify individuals
Regarding disclosure of personal information to third parties
Personal information acquired by us may be provided to a third party in documents, electronic media, etc. in any of the following cases. Disclosure and provision of personal information will be stopped upon request from the user.
・When there is prior consent of the user.
・When requested by the judiciary, administrative agencies, or other equivalent organizations according to laws and regulations.
・Personal information items to be provided: name, company name, department, position, telephone number, email address, and inquiry details.
Regarding the safety management of personal information
We conduct regular educational and enlightenment activities for employees regarding the personal information entrusted to us by users. Additionally, we appoint management responsible for each department that handles personal information, implement security measures, and strive to prevent loss, destruction, leakage, tampering, and unauthorized access.
Signing of confidentiality agreement
We have signed confidentiality agreements with all employees, contract employees, temporary employees, and part-time employees.
About the use of cookies
On our website, we may use cookies. Cookies are very small text files that store information necessary to identify your computer. These cookies do not identify individual users. Users can choose to allow the use of cookies using their browser settings. However, depending on the browser you use, you may disable cookies by changing your settings. Please note that as a result, all or part of the services on our website may not be available for use.
Regarding revision of
corporate policy
We continuously review and revise our corporate policy to ensure the optimal protection of user personal information and in response to changes in laws and regulations. Revised corporate policies will be promptly posted on our website.
Regarding inquiries regarding
disclosure of personal information, etc.
If you have any opinions or questions regarding the corporate policy or handling of personal information on this site, please send them to the address below. thank you.
Compliance basic
We will prioritize and promote compliance above all else in order to achieve sustainable growth and increase corporate value. Furthermore, we will comply with laws, regulations, internal regulations, and rules, practice corporate ethics such as social norms, and carry out our work honestly and fairly.
Compliance with laws and regulations
We declare that we will never tolerate illegal or law-evading acts, and will not respond to requests for illegal or law-evading acts, regardless of the reason.
Cutting off relationships with anti-social forces
Currently and in the future, organized crime groups, members of organized crime groups, persons who have ceased to be members of organized crime groups for less than five years, quasi-members of organized crime groups, companies related to organized crime groups, corporate racketeers, etc., thugs who claim to be social movements, or special intelligence violent groups, etc. We declare that we do not fall under any other anti-social forces, and we guarantee that we will not have any relationships with anti-social forces for any reason.
Eliminating bribery
We declare that we will not give or receive any illegal gifts, payments, monetary or non-monetary benefits to or from anyone, or in any country or region of the world.
Promotion of environmental conservation
We promote environmental conservation activities aimed at reducing the environmental burden by preventing environmental pollution caused by corporate activities, eliminating excess waste, and striving to conserve energy, resources, and recycle.