from the President

We aim to deliver "smiles" and "Future Quality"
to our all customers and stakeholders.
The world, including Japan, is moving rapidly. Awareness and action to respect all living things, including humans, and to protect the global environment are being promoted around the world. On the other hand, the desire to make our lives even more comfortable is spreading not only to developed countries but to all regions. We have entered an era in which everything is changing and progressing at a dizzying speed on a global scale, including improving product quality, reducing costs, launching mass production, and developing new products.
At Qualtec, in order to meet the challenging needs that the market is experiencing for the first time, we have been providing technical expertise and know-how in analysis, failure analysis, reliability assessment, and microfabrication. We have also engaged in collaborative research with customers. The spirit of our founding principle, which emphasizes repeating experiments to identify the true causes of problems and propose improvement measures, continues to be passed down, forming our unique corporate culture.
In this turbulent world, we ponder on the purpose of our technology and research. We believe it is to provide the knowledge and technology necessary for everyone on Earth to live with "smiles". The concept of "Future Quality", which we strive for, embodies our desire to be a company that delivers smiles not only to our customers but also to our employees, people in the community, and everyone around us.
We value our passion as engineers and the accumulation of objective data, and aim to be a company that contributes to society by providing satisfaction and excitement to our customers by improving the safety, environment, and comfortability of our products. Although there are many companies that specialize in one field, our strength is our "Total Quality Solutions", which provide one-stop analysis and research in all fields.
Our job is fundamentally a service industry, and without a spirit of hospitality, engineers cannot thrive. Since our founding, we have valued cleanup, not merely as a routine task but as an embodiment of the spirit of hospitality. Performing cleaning duties every morning reveals a clear truth: when there's a lot of work, the workspace gets dirty accordingly. Conversely, during times like the COVID-19 pandemic when there's less work, the workspace remains clean. Through "cleaning" we can truly appreciate the significance of being able to work and feel grateful to our customers. This understanding leads to a feel of "touch".
This feel of "touch" represents touching the essence of things. When we strive for "Future Quality", it feels like touching the future just ahead of us. It might also be appropriate to call this feel of "touch". With engineers at the site, drawing from their own experiences and problem-solving, we will continue to work diligently every day to realize a future where people, society, and the environment are all safe and prosperous.
Qualtec.Co., Ltd.
President and Representative Director of the board